If you are a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, or eligible for funded health services in New Zealand, our abortion services are free. Depending where you live will determine which options are available to you.
If you are a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident, or eligible for funded health services in New Zealand, a telemed abortion is free.
With a Telemed early medical abortion (EMA) you can either choose to have your abortion pack sent to you in the post or pick up your pills from your local pharmacy. Both options are free.
Our telemed abortion service is available nationwide in NZ.
If you live within Mid-Central, the Wairarapa, Whanganui, or Southland and are eligible for funded health services in New Zealand, then our in-clinic medical abortion is free.
If you live with Mid-Central, the Wairarapa, Whanganui, or Southland and are eligible for funded health services in New Zealand, then surgical abortion service is free.